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WE believe that if we are going to see the villages of Alaska reached with the gospel, that we will have to be proactive in breaking down every wall and barrier that causes us to view the kingdom of God as a competition. We must "be eager to maintain the unity of the spirit and the bond of peace" (Eph.4:3). 


Jesus prayed for us, "that we may become perfectly one so that the world would know the love of the father" (John 17:21-23). 


WE desire for the villages of Alaska to know the love of the father, and according to Jesus, in order for this to take place, we will need to be united as one! The world will know the love of the Father through our unity and our love for one another. 


Therefore, we see the following strategy as the best way for fam to partner with and serve the local church:


1) Prayer 


Whether this is partnering together in the Frontier Prayer room, or partnering in prayer for a specific unreached village, we believe that everything we do will start and be sustained through prayer. We would love to begin praying with you, asking the lord to reveal which village he would like to send your church into.  


2) Send A Team


not only have we traveled to many villages in alaska, but we have also studied and labored in prayer over the map of Alaska. The Lord has given us insight into specific unreached villages in need of the gospel. We would love to partner with your church, to help you identify a village that your church can begin praying for, making connections with, and sending teams into, until we see a sustainable gospel-centered church planted in that village.


We believe that if every church in Alaska would simply focus their efforts towards one village, we could accomplish our vision to make Jesus known in every village in Alaska, and obey Jesus's command to preach the gospel to the ends of the earth! 


3) Weekend Training intensives


WE would love to come and spend a full Saturday with your church to help inspire, recruit, equip, and empower future laborers who want to respond to the call of God to reach the villages of Alaska.


A weekend training intensive will consist of spending all day Saturday praying to the lord of the harvest and pouring over the scriptures. We will spend a significant amount of time looking at:


A) the whole overarching story of God from genesis to revelation.


B) the importance of solid biblical character and qualifications.


C) healthy rhythms of the missionary life


D) The importance of prayer as a missionary practice


E) Jesus's missionary strategy (Found in Luke 10) 


4) Speaking engagements


Whether this is a Sunday service, missions conference, weekend intensive, time with your leadership team, or a simple gathering in a home, one of our missionaries would love the opportunity to come and speak with your church. Any opportunity we can get to "sound the alarm" for the villages of Alaska we would be willing and ready to come and spend some time with you! 


5) Financial Support


ministry to the villages is unbelievably costly. We need your financial support! mostly all of the villages that we will be reaching are off of the road system which require that we fly. furthermore, we will need to secure lodging to accommodate our trips, as well as purchase groceries which will need to be flown out through cargo services. There is nothing cheap about ministry to the villages in Alaska, but we believe that the unreached villages of Alaska are worth our financial contributions (Acts 11:29; 2 Cor. 8:1-5). Please consider partnering financially to support the costs associated with the missionary call to Alaska. 


If your church is interested in partnering in any way, please fill out the below request for ministry partnerships.


We look forward to partnering with you to see the villages of Alaska reached with the gospel!



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